Saturday, October 27, 2012

Lake Stevens Triathlon, September 8th 2012

We gathered a group of friends interested in doing their first triathlon and had them join us for a fun end-of-the season race.  

Please excuse the extreme tardiness of this post.  Ordinary Endurance’s first group triathlon experience at the Lake Stevens Triathlon was so much fun I wanted some of that emotion to settle so I can report objectively on an otherwise fun and successful day!
The morning started like most in September around here.  It was nice, but colder than what we all were used to after a warm summer.  The sky was clear, there was a little dew on the grass, but not a ripple to be found on the lake. 
All twelve of us showed up with plenty of time to pump up those tires, organize and re-organize our transition areas, let the butterflies almost educe vomiting, and then wait.