Monday, November 5, 2012

Enjoy 'Active Rest' This Offseason

Our triathlon season is wrapping up and we are starting to hunker down as the days shorten and our favorite TV shows return to prime time.  It is important to properly recover from your season, prepare your body and rejuvenate your mental focus for next season.  I would like to think that this includes sitting on the couch, drinking beer and watching soccer, but unfortunately this isn’t going to do you any favors come June.   I commonly use the term “Active Rest” with my patient’s.  “Active Rest” is defined as activity that is enjoyable and doesn’t feel like work but really is.  This may be playing soccer, Ultimate Frisbee, doing yoga, Zumba, kickboxing, etc.  These activities seem more fun than the same old swimming, biking and running but will help to maintain your weight and base fitness level in the off season.   It doesn’t matter what you chose, just do something.

I would also highly recommend working on your core strength.  ‘Core’ is all the rage these days but for very good reason.  Every aspect of Triathlon can be improved with proper stability through your trunk. There are tons of core exercises out there and you don’t need to do them all.  Just pick your favorite, or least favorite depending on how you think about this type of exercise, and incorporate them into your workout routine.

Another great way to focus your off season is to pick your weakest sport and work on technique.  This is especially true if you plan a full Ironman for 2013.  There are numerous coaches and clinics that you can attend this time of year and small changes in technique could be the difference in meeting your goals next season.  If swimming is your weakest sport like mine, you may want to check out a Master’s swim class or clinic such as Mary Meyer Life Fitness.

The last aspect of the off-season that I feel is very important is to address is your overall wellness.  Get some sleep, eat healthy, and address lingering injuries.  A physical therapist can help to correct muscular imbalance and get you pain free for the start of the training season.  My favorite PT clinic in Seattle is Real Rehab.  Schuyler and I have both seen Bruk, who is a triathlete himself, and knows his stuff.  He comes highly recommended as he taught Schuyler to run just 7 months before his first Ironman!!

Happy ‘Active Rest”! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm getting restless. I have been so committed to drinking good beer lately. Anyway, good article on rest by pro Jesse Thomas here:
